Here's what Don has to say about participating in the services PEAK Health & Fitness has to offer
"I have been participating in PEAK for many years. In fact, I started so long ago that I can’t remember exactly when it was. From that very first class, I have been hooked! I love the way that I feel after exercising (and sometimes even while I am exercising 😊). I have been very pleased with the results and I am convinced that the classes have been a big part in my staying healthy, including maintaining muscle mass. I am also convinced that I am healthier now than when I was in my 20s because of the increase in activity level. The classes have also given me the opportunity to meet others from across campus.
Besides the exercise classes, I have also taking advantage of other services like the nutrition consultation, the BodPod (body composition) assessment, and the Resting-Metabolic-Rate measurement. The information that I have gained from them have helped me measure my progress and know what I need to do to improve.
When anyone on campus asks me about what I do to stay active or how I stay fit, I always tell them that PEAK is near the top of my list of the best benefits of being a U employee. I can’t recommend it enough!"
-Don Wardell, Professor; David Eccles Faculty Scholar; Francis A. Madsen Scholar