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Walk it out Challenge


Using a smart watch, phone, or other tracking device to track how many steps you take each day/week. For 6 weeks track how many steps to take and try to increase those steps. Whether that taking the stairs, a walking movement break during work or enjoying the fall colors on a walk these small steps will add up big!

Departments or working groups can create teams or slack channels to share weekly step totals, pictures of trails or walking buddies, or favorite walking/hiking routes. Don’t under estimate the usefulness of an old fashioned poster board! Posters are a great addition to any work space and will be motivating if hung in a communal space.

Walking is a great way to help lift your mood, keep blood pressure readings low and reduce risk of heart disease. Walking during the day can help to reduce blood pooling and swelling in lower extremities, break up sedentary time, and take meetings (or team-building) on the go!

Take note of how you feel as you begin this challenge and how you feel after. What did you find easy to implement? And was this challenge rewarding for you?