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Wellness Ambassadors

In late 2018, we launched our Wellness ambassador program. The goal: Equip and empower our fellow employees to pursue a passion for living well and fostering workplace wellness. Thanks to our team of Ambassadors, wellness initiatives are elevating a culture of wellness throughout campus. 

As an Ambassador, you’ll be invited to biannual, in-person meetings, deep dive wellness workshops, and to participate in our Ambassador community Teams channel. Additionally, you’ll be updated on wellness happenings quarterly with a newsletter filled with curated ideas, events, and programs that will help you spread wellness culture!

Join Our Ambassador Team

Click this button to register as an Ambassador. Did you join our Ambassador team prior to March 2023? Please re-register here so that we can streamline our processes and better support your team.

Join us!

HOLD Space for Biannual Meeting

We meet in person twice a year; February and September. Our biannual meetings are a great opportunity to connect with peers, learn more about other wellness initiative on campus, and hear what our employee wellness team has been creating. Our next meeting is TBD.

Learn and Share with Coworkers

Become familiar with sharable resources, wellness challenge tools, and opportunities on our site. Register for a "deep dive" into specific content areas to elevate your skills.

Register for a Deep Dive

What you'll do as an OCIH Wellness Ambassador:

  • Be a role model for other employees by actively working to improve personal health.
  • Participate in at least two wellness programs offered by OCIH each year, not including biannual meetings.
  • Promote wellness programs within your work environment by passing along information and encouraging your co-workers to participate. 
  • Participate in our biannual meetings with OCIH and other wellness professionals to learn about and discuss current program offerings, receive training, provide input and offer feedback about the program’s value and impact on employee well-being. 
  • Let us know how you’re doing, ask questions, and share with us your successes! We’ll use them as models to help other teams on their journeys to better workplace wellness. 

How we, OCIH, will power and equip you:

  • Offer a variety of programs and resources to support employees in their wellness goals.
  • Provide appropriate communication about employee wellness programs and opportunities for Ambassadors. 
  • Create a safe environment for Ambassadors to provide constructive input and ask questions about wellness initiatives. 
  • Collaborate with health and wellness experts to offer training and resources that teach Ambassadors how to engage with and motivate co-workers to make healthy choices.